
Engineered Solutions

Engineering Support for Quality Automation Solutions

COVID-19 Notice

As a supplier to a multitude of industries deemed essential around the world, Myostat continues to operate, providing both products and engineering support to our clients. 

In support of the rapid acceleration of PPE and medical equipment, Myostat has worked to increase our stock levels and to ship as quickly as possible when needed. Please contact us directly for any product or engineering requests during regular business hours, 9am to 5pm EST.

Our success relies on you, so you can rely on us.



Trending at Myostat

Mark McCann took time out of his busy development schedule to talk with Devin about the new CM1-E EtherCAT servo system and show the M Series gantry system in motion. We would like to thank Design Engineering for featuring us in their VIDEO by design series.



Our friends in Japan created something unique and interesting for the entertainment industry. Muscle Corporation was challenged to provide a system with response times fast enough to be incorporated into a music video. The robots move with the lead dancer, choreographed to Last Note, from SunaoSystem feat. k-over. 




Engineering Services

MYOSTAT MOTION CONTROL is committed to providing the solution that works for you.  Our complete range of quality products, paired with exceptional engineering support creates an unbeatable combination.  Myostat's skilled staff will work with you to design and implement custom electronics, software and touch panel interfaces rounding out your machines design requirements. 



Cool Muscle integrated servo systems, integrated actuators, PC and industrial host controller software design and implementation is one of the core services that the engineering team at Myostat Motion Control Inc, provides. Decrease your development time and optimize your system design by taking advantage of the year's of experience that Myostat can bring to your next product.



Touch Panel and Hand Held Interface programming, along with Custom Electronics and Circuit Design are among the many services that Myostat provides to accelerate your machine design schedule.

Call or email us to find out more 905-836-4441,

For social updates and Youtube videos, look for us on Google+